Thursday morning we left in our RV for the long drive to Nampa Idaho, to compete in The Idaho Steel Challenge match. The drive as far as Huntington, where we spent the night, was just the way we like it, that is uneventful.Even though Friday morning dawned cool, it soon warmed up, and by the time we arrived at the range we were, clothes clinging hot. Dang! I said, if it is this hot now, then it is going to be a miserable, hot day for the match tomorrow.
Gimme, gimme,
My caption for the photo in which I did not know what the guys were about.
Saturday, it was a very pleasant surprise to wake up to a cloud covered sky, and we were hoping it would stay that way all day.
Are you having fun yet?
Yes indeed, I am.
Remember what I said about 'it would be nice to have cloud cover all day' Well I couldn't have been more wrong, because just as we were starting in on the fourth stage, the blistering sun came out from behind the clouds, and we instantly felt as though we were being slow baked in an oven. I do not do well in the heat, and I struggled to shoot the last three stages. Whine, whine whine!
"Are you ready?" asks the Range Officer
"yes" answers Mr C
"stand by" says the RO
Beeeep goes the buzzer of the timer.
Mr C draws his firearm, and commences shooting.
John, very focused on making the steel ring.
I like to sneak up on folk and take their picture.
Rich showing us how it was done, and he sure was having a grand time.
And how did we do?
A picture, or in this case, two pictures are worth a thousand words

Our squad of seven did rather well.
John, was Overall Match winner, and won Limited, Rich placed first in Production, Mike was High Super Senior, and also won Rimfire, and yours truly, won High lady.