Next morning we continued our journey towards Smelterville, and decided to spend Friday night in a pullout beside the river a short drive from the range. Except for some freeway noise, it is a nice place to spend some time. It was very warm so we set up our chairs beneath some trees and watched as fish rose to the surface of the water to feed, and rafters floated by. As time passed, the day grew way too hot for us folk from the PNW, (we sure are not used to that kind of heat) so we decided to ask our friend Larry, who was driving from Yakima WA and meeting us at the pullout, about the Inn he had booked a room at. It turned out that they did have a room for us, so we all drove to a nice little country restaurant, for a delicious B-B-Q rib dinner, before driving to the Inn. I was never so happy to take a shower, then collapse on the bed to enjoy the air conditioned room, and a good night's sleep.

Saturday morning we were in the Inn's restaurant at 6:30 am for breakfast before our big day. Little did I know how big it was going to be. As Usual we had a fun squad and all had a good time shooting the match.
The day was very hot, but we made sure we stayed well hydrated, and kept to the shade of the popup shelters provided for our comfort, as we waited for our turn to shoot. I thought I had done OK and as I was for the most part, writing down the times for the shooters, I noticed Mike and Larry were like a couple of race horses "neck and neck, stride for stride"I knew their times were very close indeed.
Time for the awards came around, and I was tickled to receive three medals for my effort as did Mike and Larry. What a big whoo-hoo! day for all of us.