Sunday, December 04, 2005


Pin top shooting is done for the year and the scores have been tallied.

Rim Fire Optical Sight

1st. -- Mr. Completely (barely)
2nd. -- "Evil Al"
3rd. -- KeeWee (WOO HOO!!)

This is a very nice surprise and quite an honor. I shot against many very good shooters, I really do not know how I managed to be 3rd, must be the 'hare and tortoise' theory, I just plodded along!
Mr. Completely will tell you it was the coaching and gun smithing, there is some truth to his words.


  1. Nice job!
    Congrats to you and Mr. C both!!! :)

  2. Watcha doing? Bowling? or shooting guys that have ugly bowling shirts. There otta be a law!!

    I'll keep you in mind if I need a "hit" person. Ahem, maybe not, you only came in third LOL.. You sorta need em dead first time round if you pay the big bucks!!

    I hope you know I'm kidding...nice blog, I will be around to check ya out!!
