Thursday, March 16, 2006

Recipe: Pikelets

1 egg
¼ cup sugar
¾ cup milk
1 cup flour
1tsp. Baking powder
¼ tsp. Salt
1 tbsp. Melted butter

Beat egg and sugar until thick and creamy, then add to the sifted, flour, baking powder and salt, along with the milk.
Stir until smooth, do not over stir.
Lastly stir in melted butter.
Cook in spoonful size on hot greased griddle.

Serve with butter and jam, or the way my family did, with jam and sweetened whipped cream.

I use a small 2tbsp. size ladle to get the uniform size

Pikelets are really like a smaller version of pancakes, and are cooked in the same fashion.


  1. I think we will try these. Thanks

  2. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Oh YUM, these sound delish! I may have to try these for brekky tomorrow. Is there any rule that says I can't have them for dinner tonight? :)

  3. Christine, I made these pikelets before our usual breakfast time, so we ate them for our breakfast. As far as I am concerned there is no special time of the day to eat my favorite foods. I have been known to eat ice-cream for dinner, and pizza for breakfast.

  4. Anonymous10:55 AM

    We made them, they are delicious.
