* The first thing you do each morning is go out to see your garden.
* You go out back to empty the trash and two hours later you come back inside with dirt under your fingernails and grass stains on your knees.
* All errands include a trip to the garden center. "I'm not going to buy anything, I'm just going to look." Yeah, sure.
* You carry little packages in your purse so that no matter where you are, if you find some cool seeds, you can collect them.
* When you cannot work outside in your garden, you read about it and plan what you will do in the spring.
* When you cannot wait for spring, you start seeds inside so they will be ready to plant when the weather allows.
* You love internet gardening forums and clubs.
* You get excited about mulch and compost.
* You won't cook outside or go to picnics during the heat of a Washington summer, but nothing can keep you from taking care of your garden, even when you are dripping wet with perspiration and beat red in the face from the heat. You just go inside to drink water and cool off and are right back out there.
* You take more pictures of your plants than anything else.
* You set up a web page just so you can tell other people about your garden and show them your pictures.
Keewee's garden
Thank for this Hostagirl
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