Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Gonna' Be a Long week

View from the spa desk

I am fortunate to have a three day work week, EXCEPT, when I cover for the other Desk Diva's time off. This week I will be working seven days with just Wednesday off.

There will not be any time for gardening or much else except blogging, I do feel better that the weather will be in my favor, as the forecast is for overcast and rain most of the week, who wants to garden in those conditions anyway?

I do have a wonderful setting in which to work. The spa is located right down by the water, and as you see in the photo I do have a pretty nice view. When I have caught up on all the spa chores, I can read a book, or take the phone and sit outside in the sun, if there is any.
Well, it is time to get my day started, you all have a wonderful day.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Want to trade jobs? I work in a *box* all day.
