Tuesday, May 16, 2006

There is the promise of a sunscreen day

At five am, from deep slumber, I was serenaded awake by a robin outside the bedroom window. It is now seven am and he is still singing for a mate, or he is just singing for the pure joy of it, I would be lifting my voice to the heavens if I could sing like him.

With my freshly brewed mug of coffee in hand, I very quietly opened the front door, you never know what critter you may surprise right outside, and stepped out onto the front porch into the warmth of the sun.

Early this morning it was very still but the air vibrated with a chorus of trills, warbles, chirps, and peeps of birdsong.
As I stood there on the step listening to all the sounds, trying to recognise the various voices of the chorus, I was aware of a flutter of wings to my right. Turing my head very slowly so I would not startle the bird who was very close, I saw a little house wren taking straw into a nesting box we have nailed to the front of the carport.
On Sunday, as I sat in the shade, catching my breath after working in my garden, which is adjacent to the nesting box, I watched the same little wren building her nest. At first she was very nervous by my proximity but soon became comfortable and went about her business as though I was not there.

As I quietly walked around the yard, so as not to startle any critters, I came across many rabbits of all sizes chewing down the grass in the pasture. It is so fun to try and sneak up on these guys as you can get only so close before they are aware of your presence. Long eared, beady eyed bunny heads pop up out of the long grass and give you a look determining if you are friend or foe, then there are rabbits hopping in all directions to get away from danger, real or not. I guess they are not going to take any chances.

My morning adventure soon comes to a close, there are chores to be done, a work meeting to attend, a dentist visit, then the rest of the day to PLAY! WHOOHOO!


  1. No rabbit pics?!?!?!

    Great post, anyway!! :)

  2. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Excuse me, but do you live
    in Paradise?
    It sure sounds like it.
    What a way to start the
    day-- definately my cup ò

  3. Yes, to me it is paradise. we are lucky to live in a rural area on 10 acres. For the most part is is very quiet, the only traffic we hear are the neighbors going down the access road to their property.

  4. Anonymous8:01 AM


  5. R. you are most generous, I would love some cardinals, but will pass on the squirrels Ha, Ha.
