Bright and early this morning, Mr.C and I drove up to Coupeville for CWSA's pin top match.
The day was warm and I was excited to shoot my High Standard103 in a match after Mr.C had done some fine tuning this past week and I had put many rounds of ammo through it. We were both satisfied that the problems we had with the 103 at the last pin top match have been solved and we were confident it would serve me well.
When timing in I was having trouble seeing the *red dot* in my scope as the day was extremely bright, and I also have light sensitive eyes. I timed in down in the pack but was happy with the gun's performance and knew as long as I focused, and paid attention to what I was doing, I would not embarrass myself.
At the end of the match I was not LAST, in fact, much to my surprise I did rather well.
As Mr.C writes a summary of events a whole lot better than I do (and he remembers, and pays more attention than I do to what went on) I suggest you go to Mr Completely's post to read all about our day.
one question are they live ammo guns or air guns.
the ones you show on your web page look a bit air gunish but its hard to tell.
the gun laws here are so bad its not even worth owning one.
but I used to do it I had a smith and wesson 38 magnum with a 4" barrell and a small 22 a bit like a walther ppk,, 3 shot guns and a BSA HUNTING RIFLE that was a 270 it used a 30.3 case reduced to 270 at the breach and I could take a flys eye out with it.
ahh the days I have spent making my ammunition in the front room watching tv.
I should have read Mr Completely's post it is live ammo.
Wow Keewee! It all sounds
Greek to me, nut I,m pleased
you,ve done so well with your
new gun!!
What an exciting and adrena-
line filled day for you both.
I mean BUT not NUT, pardon me
but I,m all worn out - -
Toooo much blogging LOL!!
Guess the *bloggin' bug* has bit you. and I have not found a cure, LOL
Great job, KW!
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