Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Sunset over Whidbey

Last night all the windows and doors of our home were open to the silence, warmth and fragrance of the evening. As I sat there listening to the bird's chorus long into the dusk, I was feeling blessed to have experienced this magical time. City life is not for me.


  1. Helen, that,s not fair!
    Giving us a lick and no promise,
    Spit it out Girl!! :)

  2. Oops! That,s what I call a Blog-
    gers`blob, sorry about that, I,m
    probably moving tooo fast for
    bullets. Haaa haaa!
    That,s my second blunder today,
    must be the heat, L O L!

  3. Enjoy every minute of those
    golden quiet moments.
    City life can be so hectic, with
    all the shouting and cars
    hooting, it,s like being at an
    Indian Bazaar.

  4. Anonymous11:20 AM

    You are blessed indeed.

  5. We did have a beautiful sunset, didn't we? Do you live on the Southend?
    Thanks for visiting my site!

  6. Yes Phyllis, I do live on the south end overlooking useless bay.
    I will be visiting your site some more.

  7. that is a beautifull view i once again truly envious.
