Sunday, June 25, 2006

Whine, Whine, Whine

*I suppose I will just have to wait here all alone while you two go off to play all day. OH! and while I'm at it, I wish you would get a camera that doesn't make me look blue*


  1. I like that kitty cat, with his
    black Panther face, most unusual
    for a cat.

  2. He's so purty.

    He is a he, right?

  3. Wouldn't it be a neat picture with Pursey lying along side?

  4. Poor kitty, Left all alone on a hot day!!

  5. What a cute kitty!
    Were you shooting by the OLF field today about 11:15? We were in Church at the old Pheasant Farm and heard a big boom.

  6. JimmyB, Rocket is a he.

    Ted, Purrsey and Rocket would make a great *black & white* picture

    Phyllis yes we were there about 11:15 but the huge boom wasn't us. may have been someone blasting a stump or something.
    I came in around 4th out of eight.
