Friday, July 07, 2006

Vaction update

Yahoo! I am out of bed way earlier than Mr.C so I get the computer first.

Yesterday we bought our 7day fishing licenses $55 Gasp!! and headed out to see what was swimming up Kowee creek/river to spawn.We are here a little earlier in the season this year, so there are not as many salmon heading up the rivers yet. This could change very quickly, and we could go back to the same place today and there could be hundreds swimming to their spawning grounds.

Mr.C and I enjoyed a very pleasant day yesterday fishing. I did manage to hook a very small Dolly Varden but it jumped the hook just as it was nearing the bank, but Mr.C brought in a very nice bright silver, Pink salmon or also called a Humpy which is now cleaned, sealed and in the freazer ready for our trip home.

We had just pushed our way through the lush green vegetation up the bank, to cross the bridge back to the van, and were chatting about Mr.C having a black bear walking the trail behind him while he was fishing on one of his previous trips, when I glanced back down the road and said * look! there is something black down the road!*
As I looked fhe creature turned sideways, OOOH! it was a black bear, nor a huge one, about 250-300lbs but a bear none the less, it was time to get in the van and go home.They do get to be really, really big!!

I know I said I would have pictures, but they will have to wait until we get home as we do not have a way to get the pictures into the computer. Stand by, and I will have pics around the 14th.


  1. 250-300lbs? Not quite the
    Pooh bear.

    Keewee, I hope you got a tail-
    end photo of the big guy.

  2. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I want to see the salmon


  3. I whiegh 200 pounds so bloody big enough then
