Monday, September 04, 2006

Thank you

Thank you to all my friends, and blogger friends who have left me such wonderful warm messages of caring. It helps more than you can possibly know.


  1. Anonymous9:19 AM

    In our house we are still thinking of you and sending our love, its funny but you feel like family to me now.


  2. Helen, that is the nicest thing to say, thank you very much for making me feel so special.

    It is wonderful how we make blogger friends who feel just like family.

  3. It's good to see you posting keewee. Your friends are many and I am proud to be counted as one,

  4. Blogging is such a good fellowship isnt it?

    How are you doing today?

    You mentioned scrapbooking...give me a call, and tell me what you are wanting to learn...I know just a little bit, compared to others who go way overboard, I am kind of a "clean" scrapper...

  5. Keewee, that's what friends are for, in good times and not so good times. I too am glad you're posting again. *love and hugs*

  6. Glad you're doing ok.
    My sister is a great scrap booker! You should see what she made me!
    Come on over for BBQ doggies some day and look at it!

  7. Thanks phyllis, I would like to.
