I can hear you are asking if I am Nuts, No I am not nuts, as I am very fortunate to work at a Spa, and today I am returning to be on the other side of my Diva Desk as a pampered client.
I am going to treated to a facial followed by a 90 minute massage. This treatment is waaaay overdue, as it seems every time I was ready to go to the spa for some pampering something came up and I could not get there. Come *hell or high water* I am going to be there today.
Well, *Eat your hearts out* I am off to make ready for a day of luxury.
OOOOO That sounds just wonderful! I have never been to a spa! I have never had a massage either.
Mary Lou, you should go get yourself a massage, they ARE wonderful.
I can hardly move after mine.
I agree with Mary-Lou here, I've never had a massage either, what if I can't move afterwards - to get home, haahaha!
If you can promise me they won't pull my arms outta joint - I'll treat myself sometime soon! :-)
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