Monday, October 09, 2006

Thursday & Friday at the Rendezvous

Thursday afternoon we arrived at Circus Circus for our first annual Gun Blogger rendezvous.

After getting settled in our room and taking care of some rendezvous arrangements we *duded* up and went on over to The Eldorado Hotel and Casino to attend a fundraiser for The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.
We dined on culinary delights, such as crabcakes with mango sauce, scallops, beef, pork, sushi, porcinni ravioli, and a dessert table to kill for. All this was washed down with world class wines.

Friday morning was clear and sunny, though not all that warm first thing in the early hours.

The dome can be seen from quite a distance away, and is part of the Silver Legacy complex.

This huge structure, called The Mining Machine, is located under the dome.

Left, front to back, Mr.C, Mr & Mrs Rivrdog
right, front to back, Mr & Mrs Conservative UAW Guy, Smallest Minority

And right across from the Mining Machine is the Victorian Buffet. If you went away from this buffet hungry, it was your own fault, and if you could not find something to suit your tastes then you are waaaaay too fussy. There were so many different choices and lots of each, I had a feeling there were some belts loosened after breakfast.

Just to prove, I did manage to win something the first day, but it went back into a slot machine later that day.

Come back tomorrow for more on our exciting time in Reno

Mr. Completely has his first post up on the Rendezvous HERE


  1. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Oh the food, the food, this diet is killing me.


  2. Helen, I did not lose, I gained WHAA!!! I expected to gain some, as my willpower flew out the door when I saw all the goodies.

  3. Anonymous8:02 AM

    I would be exactly the same with all that food and wine around.


  4. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Sounds like such a fun time.. and that dessert photo..yummy!
