Thursday, November 02, 2006

Smoked Salmon Tonight. Yummmm!

Today is the first of a five day stretch of workdays for me, covering for my co-workers time off.
The day is grey wet and cold, certainly a day to be indoors in the warmth.

This evening, The fishin Club is holding it's annual Smoked Salmon Derby.
The Contest is open to club members only, but salmon tasting and voting are open to all. Club members are invited to bring in some of their best smoked salmon, cut into small enough pieces that can easily be speared with a toothpick for sampling. The kind of fish is limited to “salmonid” species, which includes salmon, steelhead and most trout.

We sure have had some very interesting and tasty smoked salmon recipes since the club started this event. I hope we have plenty of entries in the Derby this evening.


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    This sounds like great fun. I love salmon.
    Don't work to hard .. five days .. that's a long stretch to get through.

  2. My Dad, Bill Brett was the president of the Central Whidbey Sportsman CLub waaaay back in the mid 60's. THey would have the indians come over and smoke salmon with alder like they did before they white man. THey did it in conjunction with the salmon Derby at Keystone. MAN there was some really GOOD salmon then.
