Wednesday, January 10, 2007


As I glanced up from my desk at the spa, I noticed a fog-like cloud moving across the waters of Saratoga passage. It stretched from the surface of the water up as far as the eye could see.

It looked so incredible, I turned, walked about six steps to get my camera, turned back and noticed how fast the cloud had moved along. It was approaching the spa at a considerable rate of speed, and by the time I had taken three photos the cloud was upon me. The dense cloud of frozen rain/hail or whatever you want to call it, sent me scurrying back into the warmth of the spa.

The hail, came down for quite a while then faded into large beautiful snow flakes which stuck to the vegetation but melted almost instantly upon hitting the ground.

I had never seen a weather front move in quite like this before, it was truly awesome.


  1. Anonymous5:38 PM

    That sounds like an incredible site you were able to wittness!! Great picture too! hosta girl

  2. Anonymous10:14 PM



  3. Anonymous3:25 AM

    It is fantastic to be close to something like that.
    I remember once in the navy a big cloud coming down to the sea and it seemed just to pull the water up into it, and float off.

  4. Anonymous8:27 PM

    The power of Nature is always impressive. This sounds almost a little scary.
