Thursday, January 25, 2007

A Perfectly Perfect Day

I am never in any doubt as to the ever changing beauty of this world we live in.
Yesterday was so awesome. The morning, as I arrived at work, was so still and quiet. The air was still a little crisp and damp with dew, and the only sounds, were from the waterfowl feeding along the shore.

Two huge logs bumped their way along the bulkhead as they moved with the tide in Saratoga Passage.

Another huge log floating along.
Later on in the day I watched two Loons with out stretched wings, drying themselves as they perched on a floating log.

Ahhhh!! a glorious ending to the day. What an incredible sunset.
If you click on this picture, you can see A Great Blue Heron,( just to the right of the fence post) searching for his dinner.

No, I did not photoshop the pictures. Mother nature does not need any help here, besides I do not know how to photoshop.

As usual click on the pictures for a larger view.
The cascades can be seen in the far distance, and Camano Island is on the left.
As I said, A perfectly, perfect day, sighhhhhhhhh!


  1. GORGEOUS pictures Jen! It was a truely nice day wasnt it!

  2. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Beautiful pictures. They have created a calming effect in my morning.



  3. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Awesome, keewee. :)

  4. Anonymous3:44 PM

    what an encredible day you were able to expereince Keewee! Your pictures are wonderful. Thanks for sharing such a sight with us.

  5. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Such beauty takes my breath away. I can not imagine having such a view every day. How wonderful.
