Friday, February 16, 2007

A full life, is a happy life

How satisfying it is, to have many projects which keep me busy. Of course, they are projects of my own choice, nothing which HAS to be done just fun things I want to do.

In a previous post, I mentioned, I have joined the Red Hat Society.
The first meeting will be on Wednesday the 21st, a day I am looking forward with great excitement. I will meeting and getting to know other women from all walks of life, who's goal is to come together in the spirit of friendship, and with the intention of having FUN.

I have also volunteered to be the chairperson, heading a committee, to create a cookbook for our Fishin' Club. This is something I have never attempted before as I have always felt a little uncomfortable in the role of leader, I am really more in my element being a follower.

At first, as I started gathering information, I felt overwhelmed, but as we formed a committee of very talented people from our club, I now understand how wonderful it is to delegate.
The feeling of *biting off more than I can chew* is fading and I know, we, as a committee can put together a cookbook which will be successfull.
The cookbook is being created and sold to raise Funds for our scholarship program.

Now Spring is almost here I am anxious to get out side and get dirt under my nails.
The spring bulbs I planted last fall are all well on their way to blooming, something else I am looking forward to seeing and taking pictures of and posting them on Keewee's garden.
I have already checked out the garden center but it is probably a week or two, too early for the new plants to arrive on the shelves. Do I have spring fever, or what???

MrC and I are more than ready to load up the RV and hit the road for a camping trip. We have been cooped up indoors long enough.

There is more painting to be finished on the inside of our home this year, a raised vegegtable garden to build and many other little projects to accomplish.

A full, happy life indeed.


  1. Anonymous10:58 PM

    our daff's are not up yet, we too are doing the house, well parts of it, up this year a busy life is a happy life.


  2. Anonymous7:39 AM

    My four closest friends and I are planning on joining a chapter of the Red Hat Society. These women seem to so enjoy life. I love being the age I am and am completely surprised by this. :-)
