Saturday, March 17, 2007

First Falling Plate Shoot

Today was the first ever Falling Plate match for Central Whidbey Sportman's Association. Oh My! I had so much fun, in fact, I like this event more than any of the others, including hanging plates and bowling pin top matches. My final score was 17.5 the winner's 27, so I did quite well for a first time Falling Plate match.
Al AKA "Evil Al" won the match, MrC came in second.

Range Master "Evil Al" (left) giving us a few instructions before we started the match.

MrC has leveled the first two plates, ( on the right) the third, almost onto the table and he is getting ready to swing far right, to knock those two plates down before hitting the smaller stop plate, third from right. All in all, I think everyone there had a great time, and is looking forward to the next match and some warmer weather with a little less rain, in fact, no rain at all would be excellent.
MrC will have a more in depth coverage of the event in the next couple of days.


  1. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Congrats on your fine score.

  2. Way to go Keewee and I am glad you had such a good time.
