Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Color by the Yard

Roozengaarde, at LaConnor Washington, the home of acres and acres of the most breathtaking tulips, is where my friend Joyce and I spent the better part of today. The weather was a balmy 60F or more, making for a pleasant stroll through the garden like setting of all the display bulbs.

As we strolled past the plantings outside the gardens I knew I was in for a treat when we went inside.
The colors and different varieties of tulips are fabulous, I did not realize how many there were.
There are a 1/4 million bulbs planted in the garden to delight visitors.

Now doesn't this look like a little slice of Holland?


Wow! I'm in love, add this to my shopping basket.

Stunning, simply stunning.

I want this one too.

Ohhh lookee there, I want some of the yellow ones too.
By this time I thought I was going to get whiplash turning this way and that, to see all these beauties.

And just when I thought I had seen it all, I discovered these four blooms on one stem.
Please add this one to the shopping basket.

Color, color, every where.

Every time I turned around there was another delicious variety and color I could visualize in my garden
I took 86 pictures and I am sure I could have taken many more. I figure 86 should be good for a post or two or three.
Mentally I spent hundreds of dollars, but settled for spending less than one hundred once I arrived home and had a chance to sit down and drool over the catalog. I ordered the tulips I really, really want, and next year I will order my second choice. To tell you the whole truth, I think planting the 160 bulbs I ordered, will be enough work this fall when the bulbs are delivered.


  1. Anonymous10:44 PM



  2. Anonymous8:39 PM

    How truly, truly beautiful. The photos are so lovely.. and I am sure the tulips were even prettier up close and personal.

  3. Keewee, you had me going there for a minute, I thought you're visiting Holland LOL!!
    Those tulips are fabulous, not to mention the gorgeous colours - you
    will be very busy planting those many bulbs, ENJOY!

  4. What beautiful pictures of your fun adventure Keewee. I am anxious to see pictures of your garden next spring when all the tulips are blooming!! Wonderful!

  5. Wow! I'd love a bushel of the peachy yellow ones! I even have the perfect spot...
