Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Oh ! my, Mother nature is dishing out an interesting Spring

Yesterday afternoon, the wind came up with a ferosity which surprised me, and by the time I left work and walked the boardwalk to take the stairs to the parking lot, the wind was fierce indeed. I was really holding onto my bag and leaning into the wind.
The road home was littered with small branches, leaves and twigs from the trees.

Our front porch and driveway looked like this, confettied (it that a word? well it gives you the idea) with small leaves from the willow, and pine cones and leaves from the other trees surrounding our home.

This morning it dawned bright and sunny, a gentle breeze blowing, and the promise of a beautiful day. I am happy to say this huge Hosta and the Pansys were not damaged in the wind storm.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:02 AM

    The weather this spring sure has been unpredictable all over. I sure hope it will settle down soon.
    The pansys are very pretty, and the Hosta sure looks healthy.
