At last we are starting to get back to a feeling of normalcy. MrC. is feeling better and is now getting more sleep at night.
Next week I return to work, and receiving a paycheck again will be nice, but I will miss being at home every day.
Our weather has been quite warm, in the 50's yesterday, so I went outdoors to do a little cleanup in the vegetable garden, and raked up some of the leaves to put in the compost pile. Perhaps we will have a mild winter, one can dream can't they?
Winter is not my favorite time of the year. I find at times, it is difficult to be motivated to get things done, I would just as soon sit all day and read a book. It is probably something to do with the lack of hours of sunshine, as I know as soon as we get a sunny day, I am more inclined to get the chores done.
Yesterday I made some rustic bread, you know the kind, soft in the center with a golden brown crunchy crust. Fabulous to dip in soup, or as I like it, drizzled with a good tasty olive oil. I also made an apple impossible pie/cake/bread pudding kind of dessert, using the impossible pumpkin pie recipe, and apples instead of canned pumpkin. It turned quite good, and reminds me more of a bread pudding than a pie.
Today I must attempt to get things put away around the house, as when I spent most of my time at the hospital, I did not do much housework. I was way too tired and mostly things were put down in the most convenient location. Now things must go where they are generally stored, or I may never find them again.
on the other hand, i love winter, because i am more motivated than in summer, when it is too hot to do anything in crete, except flake out at the beach in the shade...