Sunday, October 04, 2009

I am on top of the cleanup chores this year

It has been a cleanup day around the yard today. I took 24 cuttings from some of the plants and shrubs in the garden so I will have some nice new plants next spring. One in particular is a gorgeous dark purple geranium. I took five cuttings of this one and hope they all grow, although that is not always the case. The vegetable garden is pretty much cleaned up, except for spreading some straw on the raised beds to protect them throughout the winter.
The gutters over the front door have been cleaned out, and a messy job it was. Mr C and I are discussing placing some specially made foam inserts in the gutters to keep all the leaves and pine needles out, but it is rather expensive stuff, so we will buy a few lengths at a time.
The pine needles have been raked up from under the tree which grows by the front door, and swept from the front porch, but dang if the wind didn't come up about the time I scooped the last bucket full up, so I will have more needles to sweep up. You know what they say about "no rest for the wicked" I guess I must be really wicked.

This week the weather is supposed to be 60F + degrees so I will endeavor to get some more compost spread on the rest of the garden. It is a race against time, to get everything done before the weather is too cold to work outdoors.

There is a nice large stack of books sitting next to my favorite chair just waiting to be read. I have been collecting books for a few weeks now, usually buying them at yard sales or at the local thrift store. Yesterday, I bought 10 books for a dollar at the local Eagles yard sale, what a great find.
I am almost ready to hibernate in front of a nice cheery fire with my books for the winter, which is not my favorite time of year.


  1. Gosh, that sounds so good..a good book and a fire place! I am jealous now.

  2. You're ahead of me - but to my credit, I have planned to take cuttings from an especially coleus plant. And maybe a couple of plants along the way. I have a lot of begonias this year, and plan to save some of them as well.

    Have a great week.

  3. i really need to do a clearing up of everything, inside out - i envy you for the time you've taken to do this

  4. Busy, busy, I shall have to start soon
