Tuesday, June 28, 2011

10X versus 30X zoom

My new Kodak camera has the greater 30x zoom compared to 10x my old one has, and it sure does take some getting used to. I find I try to zoom in too close, and have to readjust as I tend to make the photos fuzzy. There is a focus feature which shows up in the viewfinder, which tells me when the picture is ready to take. What a fun time I am having learning to use the camera.


  1. "Practice makes perfect"...it looks like you are getting there!
    Hugs, Gail

  2. I'm really glad you wrote this post. I am looking for another camera--no rush, though. I love taking macro shots and was wondering about the zooms.

  3. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I agree with Gail, practice makes perfect, and once you have the "now how" of your new camera, you'll be A and Away. Your pics are lovely Jen.
