Monday, December 05, 2011

Notes from my New zealand trip.

It is good to be back on New Zealand soil. It was a long tiring journey to reach here but worth it all the same. My daughter was very excited to see me and I am enjoying being here with her at Amaryllis house. There are several events planned which I will be able to go to with my daughter and some of the other residents. There will be a movie night, a concert, and a Christmas party, plus there is a mall a short bus ride away so I can go get my fill of a mall which does not happen on Whidbey island as there are no malls.
I am eating extremely well, and the food here is absolutely wonderful, so if I am not careful, I will not be able to fit in to any of my clothes.
The weather is warmish, not as warm as I expected, but the forecast is promising warmer conditions by the weekend.
That is about all for now, I will endeavor to keep updates coming as I can get to a computor.


  1. It is wonderful to read your post from so far away! And it sounds like you have arrived at a very busy fun time. I am so glad.
    We are busy trying to stay warm lately....40 was the high sunshine!
    I am so glad you are enjoying yourself..and the bus ride to the mall sounds like a lot of fun to me. I wish I was there with you.
    Love you, Gail

  2. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Aaah Jenn, there's no place like home - - eventhough you're there to visit your family for a short while, you will return home revitalized and full of energy. Enjoy every moment of your stay and come back home safe and soundly. Big hugs to you GINCO

  3. Glad you are having a good time. It's summer down there right now, isn't it?
