We are back from the Bowling Pin shoot in Missoula Montana, tired but very happy with the results.

We stayed with Gary Marbut who has a dome house at the very end of a road waaay up in the hills overlooking more hills. A spectacular view indeed.

Whistler is a very old dog, who took a liking to me, and everytime I went outdoors she followed me around, nudging my hand with her nose so I would rub the top of her head.

On Saturday, Gary, his son Ty and grandson, Michael, Mr.C and I, went out to Deer Creek Range to set up for Sundays match. Mr.C and I went along to help, well, Mr.C helped, I sat in the shade and coped (?) with the 106 degree heat. After most of the shooting stations were set up, we all headed back to Mackenzie River Pizza Co. for some of the best tasting pizza I have ever eaten, and of course really appreciated the cooool air conditioned building.

After filling up on pizza we headed back to Gary's house. Mr.C, Gary, and Ty had a great time playing and singing along to everything from rock to blues.

While the guys were playing I went outside to watch the sunset and the deer who were enjoying the nice green grass of the irrigated lawn.

Sunday we were out in the 106F heat doing our best to shoot bowling pins off the tables. Mr.C has a cold wet washcloth under his hat to try and cool off.

Rainey getting ready to shoot bowling pins off the table. Rainey and her husband Al, Mr. C and I are members of the Central Whidbey Sportsman's Association. Al and Rainey had been away from home shooting at several events and stopped by Missoula on the way back home to shoot at this event. More
HERE and
HERE from Mr. C
Whooo hooo!!! Mr.C in first place, Al Lindell second place. Keewee fourth place, Rainey Lindell fifth place, and Al Slader, also from CWSA in eleventh place.
I shot my best time ever 3.64 seconds for 5 pins.
The following results are the times for two best tables out of three, each table had five pins.
Montana Shooting sports Association
.22 Pistol
Mike Gallion - 5.54Al Lindell - 6.44Ty Marbut - 6.84
Jennifer Kelly - 7.59Rainy Lindell - 9.00Jason Ritter - 9.48
Gary Marbut - 9.55
Justin Ritter - 9.73
Michael Marbut - 10.64
Bill McBroom - 10.67
Al Slader - 11.28Mike Peterson - 11.69
Sean McBroom - 13.36
Jayson O'Neil - 15.31
Doug McBroom - 17.22
Ron Hunter - 17.97
Monica Lindeen - 45.95
Mike Fellows - 54.93
Way to go KeeWee!!! Good shooting!
Missoula Mont. Went to college there after High School. Loved the place. Going to early morning classes, you sometime had to dodge the bear on campus and always bear on 'M' hill next to the football field. Beautiful country and sounds like you had time to enjoy part of it.
Sounds like a very fun time.. except for the heat. 106..that is plenty hot!
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