Waaay back, when I was a child attending school, there were occasions when a student who had just finished a visit to this little building, would come to our classroom bringing the dreaded news that your presence was expected post haste, in the ....... DENTAL CLINIC!!!!!
Ohhhh how I remember those days. The chill which descended upon me when my name was called to go to the dental clinic. I still remember the drill, which was driven using a foot pedal, not like the electric high speed machines of today, so it seemed to a youngster like myself, that if the dental nurse did not keep the speed constant, the drill would slow down causing all kinds of nasty sensations. Shiver
One positive I do remember from my visits to the 'house of horrors' was the small
The photo of the now boarded up dental clinic, was taken as I strolled past a school during my visit to New Zealand.
Welcome Home...glad you had safe travels. The picture of the dental clink doesnt show here. Regards from NZ
edt, I don't know why you can't see the picture. I checked internet explorer and it came up. Do you have dial-up? and perhaps it did not load by the time you read the post.
Broadband here. Can see the picture now?..odd
That's new to me.
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