I just love these sights from our front deck. Early this morning just as the sun was peeping over the trees, the fog was drifting over the marshlands below the house and you could see the Cascades in the far distance behind the bluff. It was very quiet with just the occassional caw from a crow in search of breakfast.
Click on picture for better view.
What a breath taking view!
Now thats real beauty. I'm accustomed to, and love, the splender of the New England coast but having seen the west coast while in the Navy many years back...I've always thought it was "a touch" more beautiful.....
Nice blogsite keewee.....Cookie
What a fantastic veiw!!! I am jealous!
Hostagirl, you will see the view for yourself when you visit on Tuesday. I am excited to see you again.
I love the early morning sun and
fog, indeed a lovely picture
Oh, now I'm SO homesick!
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