Thursday, August 03, 2006

Three hours later

It has taken three frustrating hours trying to, download, upload, sidewaysload, load anyway you want, three pictures. Blogger is having a tizzyfit this morning.

Tonight is the monthly meeting of the Fishin' Club and I usually make cookies for the half hour social time before the meeting starts. As the carnival of recipes theme this week is *back to school* I decided to whip up a batch of Chocolate Peanutbutter Brownies, enter the recipe into the carnival and send the brownies along to the meeting with Mr.C. Nothing like *killing two birds with one stone*, so to speak. The recipe for the brownies will be on keewee's Corner tomorrow.

Instead of attending the club meeting, I am going to an all girls party for one of the lovely young women I work with. She is leaving the spa, to move east of the Cascades to live.

This morning I went outside, this time with camera in hand, to check on the ripeness of the black berries, and to take pictures so you can see just how many blackberry bushes there are. I did not take pictures of all the bushes as I did not want that many pictures on my blog, take my word for it, there are many more blackberry bushes. Considering how long it took to finally get the pictures on keewee's Corner I am glad there are just three..

We have huge mounds of blackberries on our 10 acre property. Once in a while Mr.C borrows our landscaper friend W's bulldozer to flatten the bushes back into smaller mounds or they would overtake the whole property.

This year there are so many berries, they are going to be large and juicy. I am drooling just thinking of all the wonderful blackberry pies, cobblers, etc. I will be able to bake, and of course freeze some, to bring out during the cold dreary days of winter and enjoy a taste of summer.


The Conservative UAW Guy said...

Great pics, keewee. :)

Nice shooting in the ePostal, too!

Mary Lou said...

HUH!!! THe berries in my neck of the woods are still green!! of course you do live a bit SOUTH of me. ;)