This weeks Carnival of Recipes is being hosted by Adam of Men In Aprons
There is chicken and dumpling soup, (A shameless plug for my entry)
Christine, of Morning Coffee & Afternoon Tea has a recipe and picture for Bavarian Apple torte which is guaranteed to make you drool and run out to buy the ingredients to make it if you don't already have them on hand.
There are many other recipes you need to go check out.
Geeez Keewee, you've got me going again, I chased off to check out the Bavarian Apple Torte.
Do you still remember the mystery about the quark recipe? (you don't have it in the States) Well the Bavarian recipe is a quark tart.
Strangely enough I don't like to eat raw apples, BUT when it's cooked, I'm there, boots and all.
Luckily I have the ingredients here, so I must be off to bake that Torte.
Thanks for sharing that with us all! :-)
Maybe some day I'll learn how to cook!
Num!! That sounds great!!
ummm....what's a quark?
Quark is similar to a low fat cottage cheese or cream cheese. can be found in European supermarkets.
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