I have to really control the urge to rush to the garden center and buy new plants, as it is, no where near time for planting yet.
I am sure most gardeners would agree, the first sight of flowers after a long winter, makes you quiver with excitement. You start looking through all the garden catalogs, and even stop by the garden center to see what is new.
Primroses (Primula) provide you with early spring blooms in almost every color of the rainbow. They prefer cool temperatures, a rich humus soil (lots of compost and leaf mold) and partial shade. They appreciate full sun in the spring, but must have semi shade as the temperatures warm. They are quite tolerant of being transplanted, even when they are in bloom.
early summer i divide my poly,s up.replant in a cool spot during the summer and replant the lot late autum.they are gross feeders and do well with dry blood or blood in bone dug in during planting.i still have some flowering even now.daphne.
I hope it hurries up!
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