2 (8 oz.) pkgs. cream cheese, softened
1/2 c. salad dressing or mayo.
1/3 c. Parmesan cheese
10 crisply cooked bacon slices, crumbled
1/4 c. chopped green onion
Combine cream cheese and salad dressing, mixing until well blended. Add remaining ingredients; mix well. Chill. Form into cheese balls and decorate by rolling in chopped nuts before serving.
How ever can I resist trying
that one?
How do I keep slim reading
your blog? LOL!! C.
Keewee, thanks for stopping by my website. I would love to be added to your favorite bloggers. : ) I will add you too!
Also, I have often wondered how these were made. Now I know.
That looks so good. Looks like a winner.
How to keep thin? Mr. C and I don't as we have to taste test all the recipes, that is our excuse anyway.
that looks too good....... will try it out over the weekend... I am not a great cook, hope it turns out well. Thanks for haring it with us
Hadn't looked in on your place in a while, and dammit! you've blown my intention to watch the calories.
And I'd just talked myself out of making a batch of fudge...
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