After driving home from work in the rain, I parked my car and started up the front steps to go inside. As I got near the flower pots I had planted a couple of days ago, I noticed all the white on top. The first thing that crossed my mind was, darn, I must have used too much *soil moist* (a product you add to the soil which absorbs and releases water) then said to myself "
I did not use too much, besides it was put down below the roots of the plants."
About this time I decided it is too cold standing around and I will figure it out tomorrow, so went indoors.

As I came inside Mr. C asked, "did you see all the
hail today?" Mystery solved, that is what is on the pots, I went back outside and noticed the hail also on the garden

There is still quite a lot of hail left a few hours after the storm had passed over.
Gee, maybe you should move to this "WARMER" side of the state!! haha!!!
Hostagirl, let me consider, Mmmmmm, nope I am staying put.
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