This morning at 9:15 I boarded the ferry,
Klickitat, at Keystone for the trip across to
Port townsend. I joined a group called Senior Striders, who go on a hike every Thursday morning, to very interesting places.

Port Townsend is called The city of dreams, and is one of the finest examples of a Victorian seaport in the USA.
These vessels were in drydock undergoing repairs and maintenance.

As we walked past this vessel, Joyce pointed out to me the name and where it came from painted on the stern.
It was from New Zealand, a very long way from home.

Even though the day was cool and overcast at times, we enjoyed our walk around this wonderful historic town.
This sure is a postcard perfect scene of part of the old harbor.

Cal, Gillian, Suzie, Carmi, Joyce, Arlene
We strolled through a lovely park, and noted how perfect a place it would be for a summer's picnic.

As we walked the streets Of Port Townsend, we came across this very creative fence.

One section of the fence was embellished with all kinds of wooden kitchen utensils, and perhaps a few other kinds as well.
I did not want to hold the group up by going closer and investigating some more.

Now was the time for coffee and a snack. OH BOY!!! did this cosy little coffee shop ever have the best food to choose from.
All kinds of pastries, Suzie gave me a taste of her cinnamon twist, I could tell it was made with real butter, and lots of it too.
There were soups, scones to make you drool, and very yummy biscotti. I chose an almond anise biscotti to dunk in my coffee. It was sooooo delicious.
There were also many other delicious goodies in their display case.

After our rest at the coffee shop, we continued on with a stroll through
The Palace Hotel, also known as The Palace of Sweets, as it was operated as a brothel.
This is Marie's Suite, who was the Madame of the house.

Check out the gold clawed bathtub.
Can't you see the ladies, of yesteryear, (if you can call them ladies) reclining in this tub?

Another of the richly decorated rooms, Housekeeping had not remade the bed yet.

Looking down at the lobby from the second floor.
You can almost picture people from the Victorian era walking the staircase, or sitting on the antique furniture.
There certainly is quite an atmosphere in this lobby.

The lobby as seen, as you enter the front door of the hotel.
They say the hotel is haunted, we did not see any evidence of such, but I could definitely feel
all the many years of history, so to speak.
Perhaps Marie was observing us strolling around her brothel, Errr, Ummm, hotel.

Looking back on Port Townsend from the Klickitat as we left for home.
What an adventure we had today. I am eagerly looking forward to next Thursday to go on another adventure with the Senior Striders.