so a little R&R is needed once in a while. This weekend away from it all, should be just what I need to recharge my batteries.
Tomorrow at noon, my honey and I will be on a ferry taking us to Port Townsend. From there we are driving for about an hour to Scenic Beach State Park, pulling into space 28 and not moving from there until Saturday morning, when we drive to Kitsap Rifle & Revolver Club to do a little shooting at their Fun Steel match.
( hitting a few, well I hope all, the steel targets should take care of any angst I am feeling.)
Saturday evening, back at the camp ground, we will enjoy the company of some friends while sitting around the fire roasting a few hot dogs, grilling a hamburger or two, then toasting some marshmallows, and of course eating and drinking, all the other goodies which make for a great evening BBQ meal. (A few glasses of wine with my dinner, should take care of any stress)
I should be in great shape, mentally that is, to get back to work on Monday.
i just took a mini-break and it was very relaxing - we simply needed a change of environment (i'm writing up the post this weekend)
Have a good time!!!
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