Rules of this tag
1. Name the person who tagged you
2. 8 things about you
3. Tag 6 people
Gincoleaves tagged me. Gee thanks (groan!)
1. I am an Aquarian ~The Water Carrier
January 21 to February 19
Traditional Traits
Friendly and humanitarian ~ I am
Honest and loyal ~ that’s me
Original and inventive ~ me also
Independent and intellectual ~ yup!
On the dark side....
Intractable and contrary ~ occasionally
Perverse and unpredictable ~ sometimes
Unemotional and detached ~ I can be
2. I am an orderly person, heaven help me please. Mr. C is not orderly. ( he just came into the room and read this over my shoulder, and says, “ I am orderly, just not the same orderly as you, I can finds things just as easily as you can” Geez! That’s true, much to my amazement, he can find things in his work space, which I keep out of.)
I guess I get to learn more about patience , which I thought I had plenty of already.
3. My hobbies include pistol shooting matches, getting my hands in the dirt and creating a beautiful garden, and during the winter months I love to sit in a comfy chair by the open fire and read a book. Oh yeah! I love to get away with my honey in our little RV on camping trips during the summer.
4. I love to bake desserts, which you have probably gathered from all the recipes I have posted on my blog.
5. Most times I dress in comfortable clothes, jeans and tee shirt or a nice sweater on the colder days, but I do love to dress up in my finest if we go somewhere special.
6. I do not make close friends easily. I am not the kind of person who has to be constantly going somewhere or be on the phone with a friend. Once I have had my say, that is pretty much the end of it, I guess I am not one for idle chatter.
If you are one of my close friends, then you are one of my best friends forever.
7. I am very easy going, and will put up with a lot of crap from folks, up to a point, but if you step on my toes once too often, well, you had better be prepared, my temper will come out in full force.
8. I do not tolerate, rudeness, liars, or kiss up people, these are the kind of folks I avoid.
There, that’s done. Whewww!
I am not going to tag anyone, but if you want, please jump on board.
It is a fun way to find out a little more about the personality of our blogger friends.