Before going to the clinic to have my blood drawn for my cholesterol checkup, I stopped by the grocery store, to buy a cup of coffee and a sweet roll to eat after my appointment with MS. Dracula.
While there at the grocery store, I remembered I had four coupons in my purse for free, That’s right FREE lotto tickets. I could get one Lotto, one Mega millions, one $1 scratch off, and one $2 scratch off.
I had a cup in my hand ready to pour my coffee, when I remembered I did not have any change in my purse, so decided to go back out to my car and grab some change from the ashtray. Before leaving the store, I decided to see what my two scratch tickets had to offer, if anything.
Imagine my surprise, when the first ticket yielded $3 and the second $10, WHOO HOO ! I had enough cash for my coffee, sweet roll and some left over, maybe for another couple of lotto tickets.
Next on to have my blood drawn, this time by a nurse who had done more than practice on an orange, I hardly felt a thing, also my mind was preoccupied with thoughts of hot coffee and a sweet roll waiting for me in my car.
After my appointment at the clinic, I drove to our senior thrift store, not one of those untidy, dark, fusty smelling stores, but a nice new, brightly lit building, with everything organized and sweet smelling.
As I wandered around, not looking for anything in particular, there it was, hanging on a rack in the kid’s department, a navy and red, pure wool, hooded jacket, and it was not a kid’s jacket, obviously it had been put there by mistake, or left there by one of those customers who do not put things back where they found them. I had been looking for a nice, semi dress jacket for quite a while, but could not find one I liked, until today.
I made a thorough inspection of the jacket noticing that it appeared as though it was practically brand new, and knew I held in my hands, the jacket I had been looking for, now if only it fit.
I made my way to the dressing room and tried the jacket on, IT FIT, another WHOO HOO ! (said, quietly to myself, I didn't want folks to think I had lost my marbles ) and the price of my treasure, $7:95
Oh how I love bargains and surprises, I had a most delightful day.