I worked Monday and Tuesday, spent most of yesterday up in Oak Harbor getting the oil changed in my car, having lunch with the girls and doing some shopping.
Today I need to catch up on house chores, sighhhhhhh! Though I am going to take the time to go and enjoy a 90 minute massage. Life is not ALL work you know!
My garden has been calling my name the last few days, but it has been too cold to spend any length of time pulling weeds, I know the weeds will still be there, and just be a little larger when I finally get to them. I hope to get a few pictures of the flowers blooming in Keewee's Garden and post them later on today.
A 90 minute massage.. that sounds heavenly.
Personally I find that the bigger the weed.. the easier it is to grab and pull. :-)
You gotta love Maxine!
Yes, I hear my flowers but I think they are only calling my name in a whisper so for. And of course the housework is constantly screaming my name! I wonder what would happen if I changed my name.....
Keewee, try humming the song we all used to sing as kids "Weeds weeds go away, come again another day" and enjoy your massage!!!
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