The Red Hat Chilies gathering outside
The Edgecliff restaurant where we enjoyed a wonderful lunch.

Some of the ladies of the Red Hat Chilies, the chapter I belong to.
Sorry some of the pictures are a little dark, there was a lot of glare coming in through the large picture windows.

Four more of our lovely ladies.

A few more lovely Red Hat Chilies decked out in their finest.

Red & Purple, as far as the eye can see

Purple & Red, as far as the eye can see

Friends, Keewee and Joyce

Such a lovely view from the front of the restaurant.

After lunch, many of the ladies wandered around Langley where most of the shops offered discounts especially for us women wearing Red & Purple.

Would you look at that, the rooster is dressed in an outfit which matches mine *grin*

Joyce and I were sitting outside Mike's Place licking on our freebie ice cream, compliments of Mike's when I spied Red Hat ladies outside the chocolate shop just across the street. Next door is The Dog House,where I hear they serve great beer. I wonder if they went in there for a sample or two *chuckle*
That looks like a lot of fun you guys are having - now where was I when freebie icecream was handed out, (sitting on the dry, as usual, LOL!!!)
That's quite a few Red Hats in one place. It looks as if you were having a good time.
I love free ice cream. It's my favorite flavor
That was a great day for all the Red Hat Chilies--so much fun and hopefully we will all do this again next year. Thank you Jennifer for all the wonderful pictures!!
Ardella Josephson--Queen Mum
Red Hat Chilies
That will be me when I retire from work! I alrady have my hat!!
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