Saturday afternoon, we went up to the range to get in a little practice before the first match of the season in March. We also had Mac and Wayne along so they could do a little shooting. As much as I enjoy shooting, my whole day was made when I saw this little guy.

This is Gunner, who's owner, Mad gun, is a blogger and shooting friend of ours. This morning when I knew Lou, AKA Mad Gun was going to be at the range, I was hoping he would bring his new Boxer puppy along. As you see, my wish was granted.

Just look at that face, and soulful eyes. Just makes my heart melt.
What's there not to love?
So sweet
Oh my goodness.. he is just too cute!! :-)
Great picture Keewee!! Oh those eyes!
KeeWee, you didn't tell them how feisty & obstinate he can be, and how he 'talks' back & has to have the last 'woord' when I try to get him to mind. All in all, he's a great pup, I LUV him! Hope your 'NEW' shootin' shirt isn't prophetic, I'd like a chance @ winning once in a while!
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