My vegetable garden is coming along nicely, now the temperature had risen and we are getting more hours of sunshine. I have spread a layer of Llama beans over the garden beds which can be used directly in the garden without danger of burning plants. One of my clients I work with, has two llamas and her handyman bags all the llama manure and wood shaving from their stalls. I asked Mrs S. who used to be an avid gardener before her illness, about the llama manure and she told me about the benefits of it's use in the garden, and says I can take as many of these bags of llama beans as I want. Today, the trunk of my car will be filled with as many bags of llama doo as will fit and my flower gardens will benefit from an application tomorrow on my day off.

Oak harbor and while looking around
the garden department of KMart
I found a beautiful hanging begonia
called Bonfire begonia and it was
marked down to $5.99,
of course you know I had to buy one.
Evidently these plants had just arrived
in the store so they reduced the price
as it is late in the season.

What first attracted me to this plant
was the vibrant purple color,
then I caught a whiff of the
light, almost vanilla like fragrance.
There is always room for an extra plant or two in my garden, or I will make room *grin*
I did arrive home this afternoon with five more bags of llama beans, which will be spread over the flower gardens.
So you see I really have been busy, and not sitting around eating bon bons and watching TV all day.
Hiya Keewee!!
Did you go to the fireworks last night in Freeland? I missed them. I was too tired to go.
I'm listening to Oak Harbors go off right now.
Hi Phyllis, we sat on our bed and watched all the wonderful fireworks down on Useless Bay. Those folks sure know how to have fun.
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