This month, our group carpooled to Clinton to walk across the ferry ("
walk across the ferry" is a term I always find amusing. You walk
onto the ferry and then usually sit, until the ferry docks on the other side, you don't
walk in place, until the ferry arrives at it's destination. *grin*) as I was saying, we cruised, across Puget sound to enjoy lunch at
Ivar's restaurant.
Some of the Red Hat Chilies waiting to board the ferry. Some of us brought umbrellas as the weather held the promise of a shower or two, but as usually is the case, come prepared, and it will not happen. A bit like washing your car, then it rains. Hmmm! now I said that, I am not sure it makes sense, Oh Well, it is my blog and I can choose to make sense, or not "chuckle"

Here we are, "walking across the ferry"

We have finished eating our delicious meals, at least mine was, I cannot speak for anyone else.
I ordered Fresh Alaskan Halibut with roasted garlic-sun dried tomato vinaigrette basil oil & artichoke bottom relish, steamed asparagus and roasted Yukon gold potatoes.
I do not see one unhappy face in the group, seems every one is having a grand time.
Yours truly, is on the left, at the back.

And at the other table, we have more lovely Red Hat Chilies, decked out in their finest. I do believe, half the fun is dressing up. It is a kick to have strangers come up to us and ask questions about our group, and we are quick to let them know just how much fun it is to belong to a Red Hat chapter.
What a fun group you belong to KeeWee! And thanks for stopping by my "other" blog. Hostagirl
I looked for a Red Hat group around where i live and there weren't any, I wish I had time to start one.
You all look so happy and content, you are indeed lucky to be able to join a group like that Keewee, no such luck here, unless you can yodel, or blow the Alp Horn, you're allowed to join the club.LOL LOL!!
I love seeing the Red Hat chapters. They seem to have such a good time. Being well dressed and in festive colors really adds to the mood, don't you thing?
It looks like you had a nice day. I think being a "ret hatter" must be a lot of fun.
Would you believe I have never heard of that expression, "walk across the ferry". I guess that comes with being such a prairie girl. Not to many ferries in these parts. :-)
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