Up until yesterday I was watering my flower gardens with soaker hoses set on a timer, but found them unsatisfactory as there were areas which did not get enough water and the plants suffered for it, especially after yesterdays heatwave.

When I first brought booklets home from the hardware store with all the bits and pieces needed for one of these irrigation systems, I was confused about what would work best, but after a visit to the store yesterday, and a chat with a knowledgeable assistant, I came home with a sack full of all kinds of tubing, small mini sprinklers, and bubblers to create my watering system.
As I had already planned out where the tubing sprinklers and bubblers were going to be placed, it took very little time to lay out all the parts, connect them, flush the system, then turn the water on so I could fine tune the direction of the sprinklers. OH! how cool it was to see every corner of my garden get a soaking.
As soon as I am finished with this post, I will go back to the store and get some more tubing and bubblers and other cool stuff to install a branch to all the flower pots by the front porch, and run a line to the front deck where I have more plants in pots. Once installed, I can sit back and not have to worry about dragging that darn hose around the garden to water all the pots and areas the old soaker hoses missed. Bliss, sheer BLISS
I'm Jealous!!!The only soaker hose I have is attached to my hand!!!
I'm Jealous!!!The only soaker hose I have is attached to my hand!!!
You have sun! It's still rainning here!
Keewee, if I could have my garden back again, I promise you, I won't mind dragging the hose behind me, LOL! But then I can never compare my garden to yours!!
Happy gardening !!!!
What a great idea. I would like to give that some serious thought. Can you tell me where to get the info to do this?
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