Coming down from the summit (5,733ft) of the North Cascades. The scenery, when you could see it through the rain and low clouds is spectacular, to say the least.

The scenery is vastly different here near Coulee city than up in the Cascades. We are in sagebrush desert country now with a few deep ravines, and in between the Cascades and the sagebrush you drive through acres of winter wheat.

Still not there yet, but Steamboat Rock is not too far from our destination.
Grand Coulee Dam, that means just a few more miles to go. Thank goodness we are nearly there as it has been a six and a half hour drive.

The landscape around the lake is varied. There are sheer rock faces, rocky outcrops with vegetation growing in the crevices, trees I do not know the name of, probably some kind of willow, crowding the banks and the usual cat tails and water plants.

This cut, is named 'lover's lane' it is one of the old roadbeds.

Mr.C with a nice sized bass. The first one he caught right after we arrived at the campground and went out fishing, was 16" long. Of course, yours truly in her haste to get out in the boat, forgot her camera, but we did have a ruler, so that is how I know for sure the size of the bass.

'Sour puss' ( did not get my smile on in time) holding eight nice yellow perch we caught just before leaving for home. We enjoyed them for dinner tonight.

Pot luck time. John is eagerly waiting for the next batch of perch Elaine is cooking.

If there is one thing the Fishin' Club members know how to do beside fishing, it is getting together for a great potluck.We have some fantastic cooks in this group.
Mr.C has more pictures and more information on our trip
Now that looks like fun. And the scenery is breath taking.
It looks like you all had a great
All your pics are waving at me,
but my favorite is lover`s lane,
those rocks and so much water,
there,s no quarantee I,ll return
home. It,s beautiful!!
them pictures all I can say is "wow"you must have had a really good time I am envious
What gorgeous scenery and what a great trip. I haven't been fishing for so long, I can't even remember but I do remember the taste of roasted fish over an open fire. Actually there is something about the taste of most anything out in the woods over an open fire that can't be beat!
That first picture is just gorgeous! It makes me so homesick for Washington. Hopefully, just a few more months and I can move back home.
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