Mr.C and I arrived home from Juneau Alaska, 2:30am this morning. We had to be driven back to Whidbey Island in Kenmore's shuttle van, as the airport at Oak harbor had bad visibility due to the weather and Kenmore Air decided against risking the flight.
Click on pictures for larger view.
July 3rd we boarded Kenmore Air for the 20 minute flight to Boeing Field. On previous trips we had used a shuttle van service to take us direct to Seatac Airport, but that took longer, so we decided this 20 minute flight and then the 15 minute shuttle to Seatac would get our vacation started out on the right foot.

The flight in the Cessna Turbo Caravan was very pleasant.

Leaving Whidbey Island on the first leg of our journey.

Our last glimpse of Whidbey Island before heading to Boeing Feild.

What a wonderful view of Seattle.

We could not have asked for a better view of Downtown Seattle.

We are aboard Alaska Air heading toward Juneau. The snow covered mountains are so spectacular.

Juneau at last. Actually I am cheating as this picture was taken when we were leaving Juneau to come back home. We arrived in Juneau around 9:30pm.
How many airports have a fabulous view of a glacier like this one of the Mendenhall Glacier?

Our first day in Juneau we drove out to Sheep Creek to check out the salmon run. Our drive takes us through downtown and past the docks where all the cruise ships tie up. This day, there were five ships in port, that means thousands of tourist cramming the streets and spending all their money on souvenirs.

A beautiful day at Sheep Creek. The tide was out so we walked quite a distance out to the mouth of the creek. We saw just a few salmon and it appeared that we were a couple of weeks early for good salmon fishing.

Driving back towards the center of town.

Just a few tourist here, we are not quite into the main part of town where the tourist are as thick as flies on a sticky bun!
The end of Part One of our adventure. Check back in as I have many more pictures to share.
waht lovely pictures one day I may get to go to those places, (looks in wallet ) not soon then.
I,m still sniggering about
Steve's honesty LOL!
But I totally agree about the
beautiful panorama! I recognize
the Space needle in Seattle,
brings back memories
Could you fit that black bear
into the plane?
Black bear on plane? Yes, he would fit. there would be plenty of room as there would be no passengers willing to share the flight, including me.
Jeez I must be really blind, as I could not find either the needle or the black bear in any of those pictures!! :(
Great shots though, and taking the Teeny Weeny Airlines from Oak Harbor to Sea Tac is the ONLY way to get there! I have taken it MANY times on business, but I thought they stopped running? Kenmore Air is a land plane now? I thought it was just a seaplane.
Looking forward to the rest of the pictures. and that PIE!!! gotta try it!!
Ok, I'm jealous of your Juneau trip....only I wouldn't fly into that airport!! No way!! I like the ferry trip.
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