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Mr.C, on the left, is fishing just outside the *no fishing* zone at Dipac hatchery. The salmon swim up the fish ladders between the dock and the bank. Even though the day was sunny, there was a cool breeze coming across the water.

Now, here is a good sized Chum salmon, or also called a dog salmon, probably about 15-16lb. Most people do not like to eat this salmon, but it is excelent smoked. Note the sharp teeth. Salmon get to be very ugly the nearer they get towards spawning.

These nice fillets are now in the freezer waiting for us to get around to processing them and getting them into the smoker. Oh, by the way, if you have noticed there are no pictures of me with a salmon, that is because I did not manage to land one this trip.

This beautiful sunny day we drove out to North Douglas Island. You are looking back across towards Juneau.

And from the same place looking in a different direction at Mendenhall Glacier.

Another day, we drove back out to Sheep Creek to see if the salmon were coming up the creek yet. They weren't, but a cruise ship sailed up Gastineau channel towards the docks, and as we looked out at the ship, a floatplane flew over the top of the ship on its way to land up the channel near the docks. You can just make out the float plane to the stern. Float planes are to Juneau what taxis are to new York.

Another day, three of us girls went out to lunch. I was lucky to have a seat by the window and excited to see a cruise ship coming in to dock and float planes coming and going, flying the never ending lines of tourists for a view of Juneau and surrounding areas.

One float plane heading out with a bunch of tourists, the other one almost ready to do the same.

When we arrived back at our home away from home, no, not this house, I took a picture of the cute log cabin on the property, which is being used for storage.
Can I come next time, I will stay in the log cabin.
My word! those teeth are unbe-
lievably sharp, almost like the
I do love the Hansel and
Gretel little house!
A story book picture!!!
Helen, sorry there isn't going to be a next time, the friends we stay with are moving away from Alaska.
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