Mr C has put a lot of time and effort in planning this get together. There is a dinner planned, time at a range for those shooters who would like to go, and a hospitality room where we can all get together for social time.
Even though I am a competitive shooter, I do not want to spend three days standing around talking guns and shooting, and I am sure some of the other ladies attending feel the same way., So I think us gals could find something to do together, after all there are casinos, shopping, and who knows what else we may find to entertain us. Mr.C is wondering if the guys should take along extra money to *bail us out* Anyone would think we are going to get into trouble or something, He He He !
Most of the bloggers attending I only know by name, now I will get to meet them and their spouses in person. It is always interesting to meet people who you only know from their blogs as you have a pre-conceived idea on how they look, sometimes you are surprised, a blogger friend of mine described it as surreal.
We are taking along a laptop so hope to keep you udated on our activities. I will have pictures to post when we get back on Sunday.
WOW! Another Blogger get together,
this sounds very exciting!
I am looking forward to the pictures, HAVE LOADS OF FUN!!
Sin City junior ;-) Have FUN!!!
25 years ago me, my wife and our daughter were in Sin City Nevada on our way to a submarine Snook reunion in San Diego. My wife hit the nickel slots at Circu-Circus and my daughter and I checked out the kids fun area. She was throwing rings and on her first throw won the biggest, purple, giraffe I had ever seen. For the next two weeks we carried it up and down the West Coast in our new Pontiac. She was the only family member that won anything but we had a great trip. I hope you do much better than we.
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